Habit Appliances

We understand that some oral habits, like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting, although common in young children, can affect dental alignment and oral health if they continue over time. Pediatric Dentistry of Flower Mound specializes in helping children overcome these habits with the help of innovative habit appliances. 

What are Habit Appliances?

Habit appliances are specially designed dental devices that help prevent the behaviors associated with thumb sucking and tongue thrusting. These devices can be fixed or removable, depending on the specific needs of the child and the recommendation of Dr. Chelsea Wehr. 

Why Consider Habit Appliances?

Persistent thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can lead to several dental issues:

  • Misaligned Teeth: These habits can push teeth out of alignment, leading to orthodontic problems.
  • Speech Difficulties: Improper tongue placement can affect a child’s ability to speak clearly.
  • Altered Jaw Development: Prolonged sucking and thrusting can change the shape of the jaw. 

Benefits of Using Habit Appliances 

  • Prevention of Dental Problems: Early intervention can prevent the need for more extensive orthodontic treatments later.
  • Improved Oral Health: Reducing these habits helps in maintaining better oral hygiene.
  • Boosted Confidence: Children gain confidence as they overcome these habits and see improvements in their smile. 

Tips for Supporting Your Child

  • Positive Reinforcement: Encourage and praise your child for not engaging in thumb sucking or tongue thrusting.
  • Consistency: Consistently use the habit appliance as prescribed to see the best results.
  • Patience and Understanding: Change takes time, and it is important to be supportive and patient with your child’s progress. 

Contact Us

If you are concerned about your child’s thumb sucking or tongue thrusting habits in Flower Mound, Texas, please contact 972-724-1617 for a consultation with our dentist.